
The WYO Foundation Board reorganized in 2022 to enable the management of funds that had been informally collected over the past 20 years. Those funds had been held in investments at DA Davidson and, on occasion, had been loaned to the WYO Theater board for special projects.

The foundation is currently governed by a small seven-person board which includes: Patrick Suchor, Jeannie Hall, Pete Kilbride, Laura Lehan, Mary Ludemann, Kelly Miller-Smart and Anne Vaughan.

By 2023, with the board fully in place, the by-laws amended and the decision to undertake an endowment campaign made, a goal was set to raise $1 million over a three-year campaign period.

The intended use of the proceeds from this endowment extend primarily to operations and special needs budgets of the WYO Theater. To date, the WYO has successfully raised, when added to what had been in the account prior to the reorganization, half of its goal! With the help of the Standish Family Fund and its $100,000 matching grant, the WYO expects 2024 to be another successful year for our endowment campaign.
