The Hub on Smith presents the Keystone Awards honoring
Richard & Tami Davis
Tom Scott
Don Julian
The Hub on Smith is so excited to bring to the WYO Theater the annual Keystone Awards to celebrate and honor service to our community! This is a unique and heart-warming event to celebrate all that is good in Sheridan County. It is a time to recognize and applaud the lifetime achievements of individuals who have made our communities great. Those honorees in 2019 are Richard & Tami Davis, Tom Scott and Don Julian.
If you want to have a blast, visit with the honorees and friends and see an awesome show, then you need to join in on April 18, 2019! This show is modeled after the Kennedy Center Honors, with professional videos and entertainment. Each honoree receives their own unique and distinctive Keystone Medal. You won’t be disappointed.
Each year the Keystone Awards also celebrate the service and dedication of high school and college students as Keys to the Stone. We don’t want you to miss out, tickets include all food, drinks and show. We look forward to sharing with you the accomplishments and service that these people have contributed. We hope to see you at the 2019 Keystone Awards!
Honoree reception at 5:30PM; awards at 7:30PM
$75 per person or $35 for registered Hub patrons, veterans and students. Entertainment and hors d’oeuvres included.