In the throes of unprecedented challenges to privacy, truth, and personal expression, Aquila Theatre brings 1984, George Orwell’s cautionary novel, to the stage for the 19-20 season.
As our modern world grapples with the threats and benefits of technological integration, Aquila Theatre’s production of 1984 provides a space to appreciate the value of individual thought – an evocative and timely narrative of personal freedom against political repression. Today, Orwell’s prescient story resonates around the globe as individuals, systems, and governments clash.
Written in 1944 near the end of World War II, 1984 depicts a society controlled by a perfectly totalitarian government bent on repressing all subversive tendencies. “Big Brother” is always watching and technology is wielded as a weapon to inundate citizens with propaganda and to monitor thoughts and actions. Imagined before the existence of computers, this dystopian future explores the power of technology as a mental manipulator and source of curated information.
The resurgence of 1984 marks a widespread desire to understand the present moment by looking back… as a means to look forward. How far are we from realizing Orwell’s nightmare? Are we already there? Can there be more than one truth, more than one set of facts?
1984 is a classic by one of literature’s most significant authors and provides the kind of evocative and innovative storytelling that suits Aquila’s bold, ensemble driven, physical style.
“Aquila’s productions are beautifully spoken, dramatically revealing, and crystalline in effect.”
~ The New Yorker
Adult $28.50 ♦ Senior/Military $25.50 ♦ Student $20.50