Creative Aging Classes: Dance & Poetry

Two favorite Creative Aging classes are returning to WYO PLAY this spring: Dance with Stephanie Koltiska and Poetry with Tyler Truman Julian. Find more information about these two opportunities below!

These classes are coordinated in collaboration with the Hub on Smith, and they are supported in part by the Wyoming Arts Council, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Wyoming Legislature.

Poetry Class

March 12-April 30
Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 AM @ The Hub on Smith

Tyler Julian’s Poetry appreciation class is back again as a WYO PLAY Creative Aging offering! Tyler Julian is a member of Sheridan College faculty as well as a published author. This 8-week class will give participants the opportunity to read and analyze work from an array of established poets. Participants will also focus on the art of reading poetry out loud for others to enjoy. The class will include a culminating event around presenting poetry for an audience. Sign up online at

Click here for the Poetry Class direct link! 


Dance Class

March 13-May 1
(No class on March 27th)
Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 PM @ the WYO Performing Arts & Education Center Dance Studio

All experience levels are welcome to join Stephanie Koltiska for this 8-week Dance class, as part of the WYO PLAY Creative Aging offerings. It’s a perfect opportunity to get moving! Stephanie Koltiska is a faculty member of the Sheridan College Theater and Dance Department. Her background as a modern dance performer, teacher, and choreographer makes Stephanie an ideal instructor for this class, which will lead each person through the experience at their own pace to grow and stretch in ways that are fulfilling and safe for them. The class will include a culminating event around presenting a group modern dance piece for an audience. Sign up online at

Click here for the Dance Class direct link!