A Comedy with Leigh Selting & Alyson Hegy
Thursday, September 30, 7:00pm ♦ Friday, October 1, 7:00pm ♦ Saturday, October 2, 7:00pm
Events at the Carriage House Theatre
ME, MYSELF, and I is a hilarious and often poignant look at the wisdom from our youngest generation! When prompted with the larger questions in life, (EG: What keeps the world from falling in?), they answer ala “Kids Say the Darndest Things” with some of the most thoughtful, creative, and surprising quips and stories one could imagine. Compiled and performed by Leigh Selting and Alyson Hagy, this 1-hour romp through the quest for answers and advice from “out of the mouths of babes” is sure to delight!
Seating is limited; please purchase tickets early! Masks strongly encouraged.
Adult $15 • Senior & Military $12 • Student $12